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2019: Identifying Your Values & Mission

The start of a New Year is always my favorite because it signifies a clean-slate and a fresh start. The possibilities of what the year can hold are absolutely endless. On January 1st anything feels possible.

To make sure that the momentum I feel at the start of the new year doesn't die down as the year unfolds, I carve out time to identify what my values & personal mission statement for the year are. I then use my values and mission statement to help guide my actions and decisions all year long. My values and mission serve as a "gut check" as opportunities and challenges arise. It keeps me laser focused on what I'm saying "yes" to and where I might need to say "no" to open up space for the "yes's" that are most important.

I encourage you to take some time this week to reflect on who you want to be, what you stand for and the how you want to show up this year. Once you reflect, WRITE IT DOWN. Nothing is as powerful as taking pen to paper (or saving a digital version) that you can easily access and look at frequently throughout the year.

To help you in your mission and value planning, I'm sharing my 2019 top values and personal mission statement below:

2019 Top Values:

  • JOY





2019 Personal Mission Statement:

To be the light -- illuminating the path for others, through encouragement & optimism to lead purpose-driven lives. I will live a life full of curiosity, wonder and love. I will tackle new opportunities and challenges with courage and enthusiasm. To do this, I will prioritize personal development, taking every opportunity to learn and grow. I will not shy away from difficult conversations. Instead, I will welcome them with an open heart and the desire for mutual understanding.My career journey will be a connected path full of meaningful work. No matter what my job title or daily tasks involve, I will lead from a place of kindness. I will support others on their pursuit of their passions through coaching, mentoring and teaching. I will strive for excellence in all of my professional endeavors while still creating solid boundaries so that what I do doesn't supersede all the other areas of my life. Cultivating genuine connections is of the utmost importance to me. These connections will be made by being an active participant in my community, forming an inspiring network of mentors/mentees and nurturing the relationships that are most important to me: family/friends.At the end of my days I want to be remembered for positively impacting those around me. I want to know that I made a difference on this planet in both the smallest and biggest ways. Whether that be through simple acts of kindness like hand-written notes of gratitude or through larger contributions that inspire hundreds and thousands of people to craft a life that aligns with who they are and what they most desire.