Self Mastery
Welcome back to the What You Do Matters Podcast! This week we are diving into all of the things that pertain to self-mastery. In episode 21, I am going to define self-mastery, share with you why it's so important, and finally, I am going to tell you how YOU can dive into self-mastery with my new course that is now LIVE!
Listen to the full episode here.
Learn more about my Self Mastery course here.
Notes from the show:
What in the world is self-mastery?
To me, self-mastery is being in full control of you.
This means that you're in control of your time, your emotions, your relationships and your personal brand. A lot of you may hear the term personal brand and think, how you show up on social, what your aesthetic looks like, your resume, etc.
But to me, personal branding is so much more than just your online presence. It's how people feel when they interact with you. It's that energy you are conveying and giving to them.
So there's a lot more to unpack with personal branding there, but that makes sense. Right?
Self-mastery is being in control, or being the master of you.
The second part of the self mastery definition is all of the things I’ve mentioned above, but it is also through through consistent, positive action taking, whether you’re at home, living your everyday life with your family, at work, and how you show up in your community.
So there it is. That's the definition of self-mastery and I know that it could kind of feel like a lot, right? Those are a lot of things to master and really those are the things that we are all trying to get a grip on. We all want to better at managing our time. We all want to better at managing our emotions. We want to find ways to truly cultivate those great relationships that are important in our life. More than ever, we need to be able to manage our personal brand.
Who is it for?
Maybe you’re trying to start a business or climb the corporate ladder. Or, maybe you want to be a better mom. Honestly guys, Self Mastery is for everyone and anyone that wants to change their life, get better at time management, become more organized and more.
why is self-mastery so important to me?
I've always been someone that's been hugely busy. Growing up I was always doing dance lessons, taking voice lessons and piano lessons and participating in theater and being a cheerleader. I've always been someone that has tons of different things that fill my schedule. For a long time I really felt like I was living in a blur. When I was younger, I thought I could manage that.
But then it really blew up for me. I'd say probably about four years ago when I started taking on more responsibility at work. At this time I wasn’t only working 40 hours at the office, but I was also taking a lot of work home.
I bet you can imagine the next part, right?
Literally every single Sunday I would have a meltdown. And when I say meltdown, I mean meltdown. It would start with me snapping at my husband, Rod, who at the time, four years ago, was my fiance and not my husband. Clearly we, we made it through that time! But, I would snap at him and be really grumpy. I'd wake up on edge on Sunday and then my snappiness would then turn into franticness and I'd be trying to knock out a whole bunch of things at once.
Then, that franticness would turn into full blown tears. Literally every single Sunday, on repeat, this would happen to me because I felt so overwhelmed with my schedule and what I had going on. I felt helpless.
What I realized is that I wasn't taking ownership of my schedule. I wasn't realizing that I was in the driver's seat and that all of those things that I was doing, I was the one that had put them there!
Once I did that and started digging into this idea of being fully in control of myself, is when I really found self-mastery.
That's when I started applying different practices. Once I started applying other people's practices and seeing success from that, I started iterating off of that and evolving off of that and developing my own practices.
Honestly I have to say that sometimes on Sundays I still get that little twinge of anxiety, but then I lean back on my self mastery skills that I have put together, and those self-mastery practices and I no longer have those meltdowns.
I know if there's one thing that you can learn right now, that will have the biggest, most dramatic impact on your life, it's getting your self mastery on lock.
That's why I am so excited. I created a self mastery course. It's built on four different modules. Each one module ties back to one of those pillars of self mastery that I was telling you about before. Module number one is all about time management. You will learn about getting your calendar under control, how to manage your email, how to create routines, how to look at the transitions in your life, and more.
Emotional intelligence is module number two. I am teaching you the foundations of emotional intelligence so that you're better able to cultivate positive emotions, which then result in positive relationships.
The third module centers around relationship building. We will be digging into doing a relationship audit. I also teach you how to create a mentor map. This is how you look at the network that you currently have, comparing it with the network that you want to have, and mapping out how you make those connections and then really build those strong bonds. So love the relationship building module.
The fourth module centers around personal branding. As you heard me say at the very beginning of this episode, personal branding is so important. It's more important than it's ever been. Not only keeping up our online presence and our digital footprint and making sure that it reflects who we are, but also making sure that we are managing our personal brands in real life. That is something that we NEED to focus on.
That is all the course content, and with everything that is happening in the world right now, I have decided to take 50% off the course and keep the course at that price.
The course is $113 and that gives you lifetime access to the content. This course is a little bit different because I will be dripping each module month by month. That way, you can really take time to dig into each module without rushing through.
One of the coolest things about this course is that I am leaving enrollment open indefinitely. So if you’re not ready to join the course now, you can join in a month or two and get access to all of the modules.
If you are interested in learning more about this course, click here!
If you’d like to connect outside of the podcast, find me on Instagram at @brittanyrneish or @whatyoudomattersmentality.
And if this podcast resonates with you, please consider leaving a review so we can continue to get these conversations into the ears that need them!
Thank you so much for listening!