The Story Behind Milo & Me w/ Jessica Smith
Welcome back to the What You Do Matters Podcast! This week’s episode is a special one because I got to sit down (over Zoom of course) with the founder of an amazing small business here in Cleveland, Ohio. Jessica Smith is the founder of a boutique called Milo & Me, which is an incredible shop that caters to women and their dogs. She found herself spending a lot of time in Marshall’s shopping for women’s apparel but she never left the store without picking up a treat for her long time pup, Milo. This sparked an idea in her. Why not have a shop dedicated to women’s apparel AND high quality products for your four-legged friend? So that’s what she created. Tune into today’s episode to learn more about Jessica and the journey she took to end up at Milo & Me.
Listen to the conversation here.
In our conversation we talk about:
Her background in fashion
Her commitment to believing 100% in the products she sells
How the idea came about to open her shop
Staying true to what’s right for her
How she has pivoted in this time of the COVID-19 crisis
The vision she has for her business moving forward
...and so much more!
Want to connect with Jessica? Here’s how:
Hang out with her on Instagram
Shop online here
When quarantine is over, find her at her Lakewood, Ohio shop: 18117 Detroit Ave Lakewood, Ohio 44107
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