Don't have it all together? Yeah, me either.


There's been a misconception that some of us have discovered a way to "have it all figured out" or that a few of us "have it all together." 

The truth is much simpler, NONE of us have it all together. Not a single one of us. We're all throwing pasta at the ceiling to see what sticks. We're all battling both good, bad and in-between days. 

We must shed the belief and the perception that there even is a "have it all together" option. Instead, we can lean into knowing that not everyday will be perfect and not every emotion we feel will leave us happy, joyful or excited and that's OKAY. It's more than okay, because when we DON'T have it all together, we are more curious, we are learning, we are seeking growth and uncovering solutions we would have never thought of if things were perfect to begin with. 

This topic came up for me when I got a DM on Instagram last week asking how my life looked perfect and I must have found the secret answer to getting it all together. When I read the note, I wanted to both laugh and cry at the same time because I definitely don't have it all together. Each day, I'm feeling my way through it and learning as I go. But this question made me take a step back and think, am I portraying enough of my real-life? Am I sharing my struggles as much as my wins? Have I too thought others had it all figured out and then judged my own life because of that perception?

My answers to these questions were simple: YES, I can always do more to show-up more fully and more authentic for those around me and YES, I'll be the first to raise my hand and say that I've gotten stuck into the comparison game on social media, wrongly thinking others have figured out the secret to having a perfect life, when in my heart I know the truth  -- there is no perfect life, we're all figuring out as we go. 

While most of the time I'm winging it, there have been a few practices that have been so helpful to me as I navigate the imperfectness of being human. I hope these tips will encourage + provide hope/help for you too: 

When things get messy or seem complicated, use it as an opportunity to uncover an innovative solution! One way I've done this in my own life is through my Weekly Work Rhythm process. My daily schedule always felt like a mess and was leaving me exhausted. I came up with a system(and created a worksheet around this that I teach in my course and use in my real-life) to help solve for this. What are the messiest areas in your life and how can you innovate around them? 

There's no need to pretend or put out a front that you have it all together. We we share in our imperfectness it gives us all the validation and permission to be REAL and to raise the red flag when you need help. I challenge you to share one thing you haven't mastered or are struggling with this week. I promise that you'll not only feel a sense of relief in sharing but that you'll also create stronger bonds with those that you share your true self with. 

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You just had an amygdala hijacking, now what?


All those feelings you're feeling are valid.