Empowered People

This week we kick off Season Two of The What You Do Matters Podcast! To kick off season two we are talking about empowered people. More specifically, how empowered people are what create empowered teams. If you as an individual aren’t feel empowered yourself in your personal or work relationships, there is no way that you are going to be able to empower the people around you. So today I’m talking about the tools you can use to empower yourself and empower the people around you. I’m giving you four tangible tools that you can use right away and I’m telling you how these tools can be implemented in the workplace AND in your personal relationships. I hope you enjoy!

Listen to the full episode here.

Notes from the show:

Why is empowerment so important?

When we are actually empowered, we want to do more. And when we want to do more, we want to give more.

What are the tools we can use to become empowered?

Tool #1: Cultivate the mindset as an owner vs. a hired hand

  • I’ve adopted this idea from the book, The Extraordinary Coach by John H. Zenger and Kathleen Stinnet. You can check out that book here.

  • The idea is that when you’re an owner, you really feel like you’re part of the whole thing and you’re making an impact.

  • When you act as a hired hand you don’t take ownership of creating solutions and coming up with new ideas. When you have an owner mindset, you WANT to go above and beyond.

Tool #2: Project manage your own tasks

  • When you had your own tasks to whatever task management system you use, you are more likely to actually want to do them.

  • You will have more ownership over those tasks that you need to accomplish.

Tool #3: You don’t have to be the smartest or the loudest person in the room

  • When you are the one coming up with the solutions you are not giving other people the opportunity to shine.

  • When you feel the need to constantly be the loudest in the room, you are shutting down and disempowering others.

Tool #4: Autonomy. Give people the opportunity to be the doer and the approver

  • When you see a lack of autonomy that’s when you end up seeing a lot of turnover within roles. It’s often a case of micromanagement.

  • When you provide autonomy, you are empowering your team to reach higher.

Those are my four tools for empowerment. I would love for you to give them a try in your own life and tell me which one you like the best! Feel free to share how it went on Instagram or send me an email!

To connect with me outside of the podcast you can follow me on Instagram @brittanyrneish or @whatyoudomattersmentality. You can also send an email over to info@brittanyneish.com I would love to hear from you and continue the conversation!

If you’re interested in working with me there are a few ways to do so. Find all of my offerings here.

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