#WhatYouDoMattersChallenge Week Three | Creating Community Through Giving Back

Welcome to another episode of What You Do Matters. Here on the podcast we are in the thick of #TheWhatYouDoMattersChallenge. We are three weeks in and we are doing this challenge to finish the year out strong! If you are new to the challenge you can still take part! Find all of the details by clicking here. Also, if you’re finding out about the challenge after it’s already over, I still encourage you to participate. It is a great way to practice taking action in your life! Click the previous link for all of the deets!

To listen to the full episode click here for Android and here for Apple.

Alright, now onto Week Number THREE of the challenge. This week we are talking about how giving back to your community is one of the best ways to cultivate community. When you truly focus on giving back, you’re becoming a more active member of the community you work and live in. It creates more genuine connection and gives you the opportunity to really make a difference.

Whether or not we live in a big or small city, there are pockets of community in both! But when you think about the communities around you, are you really giving back? If your answer is no, this week’s challenge is just for you. For week three I am challenging you to really lean into your community an give back to that community through a $10 donation. That’s it. I’m not asking you to become the next famous philanthropist (although if that is what you’re striving for, go you!). I’m just asking that you take a moment to think about the community around you and give back in a meaningful way.

Here are some ways that you can support your community:

  • Give a $10 donation to a local charity, organization, or non-profit

  • Do your Christmas shopping at your favorite local small businesses

  • Like, share and comment on the Instagram pages of the Instagram accounts you love and follow religously

  • Spread the word about your favorite coffee shop, local grocery store, boutique, etc!

Get the gist? Alright, now go give!

If you’re looking for support throughout this challenge please don’t hesitate to reach out! You can send an email to brittanyraeneish@gmail.com, or shoot a DM to either of our Instagram accounts (@brittanyrneish or @whatyoudomattersmentality).

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