Reflections on Q1 2019
I’m currently sitting on a plane on my way to visit one of my oldest friends (we've been besties since 7th grade) and decided to read over the list I had created that outlines all my intentions that I set for 2019. As I read over the list, tears filled my eyes as I realized that my current reality is a direct reflection of the vision I outlined for myself in December of 2018 (the time of year I always set aside to plan for the coming year). It's a perfect example of how our words, combined with our intentional actions, create our present.
Have you checked-in with yourself and the big goals/dreams/plans you set in December? Are you already feeling like you've fallen off the wagon or are full-speed ahead on going after what you want most?
I've learned that if you don't plan and regularly check-in on that plan, your life begins to look like leaves blowing in the wind. Whatever way the wind (or your work, family, everyday routines) are carrying you, you'll start to drift towards unless you have your plan to guide you back to what is most important to you.
Taking the time for true reflection is an act of self-love and self-care that is essential to feeling like you are living a life for yourself and not for others.
In an effort to hold my self accountable, I’m sharing all of my 2019 Intentions with you below (and I've highlighted the elements I've already accomplished this year!). This is your reminder that YOU and only YOU are in charge of your life. You control your schedule, you control your thoughts and you most certainly control your actions. Don't be that leaf blowing aimlessly in the wind. Map out your plan and work that plan like your life depends on it -- because it does.
And don't forget that your plan is nimble, it can (and should!) regularly evolve throughout the year. Add to it, change it and iterate to create a plan that works best for you.
Wishing you continued momentum against your 2019 goals!
My 2019 Intentions
Skills I will learn/master this year:
Storytelling - Verbally and through written word.
Listener - Become an excellent listener.
Manager - I want to be excellent at handing out the gold stars instead of receiving them
Paid Social Media Expertise -- Continue to build on my paid social media expertise, staying in-the-know on all the latest trends, ad placements, etc.
Places I want to travel too:
Nashville to visit Michelle
Florida to visit my Grandparents (April)
Chicago trip with Jess
The Biltmore in Ashville, NC for Christmas (first official weekend in December for our annual anniversary trip)
Seattle to visit Jacob/Jackie & Tracy/Ron
Hawaii with Rod for some serious R&R
Treat Cleveland as a destination and do all the local things from trying our the latest/great restaurants + coffee shops, enjoying our season tickets at Playhouse Square, going to concerts etc.
Books I want to read:
Last year I read 35 books (which is a HUGE accomplishment, but far from my 100 books read goal).
This year I want to set a more realistic goal of 40 books read.
Make sure that I'm balancing all of my non-fiction reads with juicy fiction novels.
Friends/Family/Co-Worker Relationships:
Stay in touch frequently
Celebrate their wins
Encourage them on their lows
Make new memories together
Make their birthdays special
Send snailmail
Call instead of just texting
Have tough conversations in-the-moment instead of after-the-fact.
Lead with kindness and empathy.
REALLY LISTEN to each other and be truly curious and interested in what our partners are saying.
Make sure we're being super present with each other (less time on cell phones)
Set clear boundaries with our families
Continue with all of the amazing traditions we have cultivated together
Become active in our community by volunteering more frequently.
Walk and play with Sampson every single day and truly be present with him
Find ways to talk about our Charitable giving on a monthly basis for the CLE APL, The Cleveland Salvation Army & Charity Water.
Cook at home more than eating out.
Prioritize sleep
Use the Peloton frequently
Get a therapist
Go to all my doctor's appointments and book the follow-up appointments
Skin care routine
Time to myself to read, relax and reflect
How I will invest in myself this year:
Finish my Emotionally Intelligent Leader Certificate
Social Media Conference
Board Certified Coach through CWRU
Blueprint Certification
Attend 1 personal development conference. BOOKED - Attending The Rachel Hollis RISE Conference in Dallas July 18th-20
Work with Amanda to re-launch my website so that I have a place to blog and share my voice on topics that I care about in the moment.
Invest all that I can into Pursuit --- launching it to be the organization we've been dreaming of.
BIG Dreams
Launch Pursuit with 200+ members as part of the initial community
Secure three MAJOR sponsorship’s this year.
Host 6 successful events
Have a steady, consistent stream of content for the community
Be nominated for Cleveland's 40 under 40 Awards
Be nominated as one of Cleveland's Most Interesting People with Jess
Book three speaking engagements.
We buy a beautiful NEW home that is a complete reflection of who we are and what we love. There is room to entertain, places for Sampson to play and it's close to great restaurants, grocery stores + things to do.