Identifying The Skills You Want To Learn & Master
Welcome to Week #2 in my mid-year series! You made it through the HARDEST part, deciding to start. Now, it’s all about keeping it going.
By this point, you get what we’re going after in this series and hopefully you’re on-fire to build momentum as you head into the 2nd half of the year. Week 1 centered around the foundational work needed to set you up for success in the series. We started by crafting our life narrative — taking stories from our past + present {combined with who we most want to be} to paint the picture of our future selves. If you missed Week #1 you can find all the Week #1 info HERE.
This week, we’re using our life narrative to identify the skills we want to learn & master to make our future selves a reality. And let me be crystal clear here — we are talking about the skills that we REALISTICALLY feel like we can learn/master THIS YEAR. Not five, ten or twenty years from now. I believe that focusing on the skills we want to learn, instantly puts us in a growth mindset and gets us to enjoy the process of becoming the best version of ourselves. So often we’re too focused on the end goal, instead of enjoying the path that gets us there. I can promise you that cultivating new skills will have more impact then you can imagine. At the end of this year, you’ll not only have reached a major milestone towards your big goals, but you’ll have flexed your learning muscle and the more you learn the more you grow. Download the Week #2 worksheets below as I walk you through a process that will help you identify the top three skills you want to learn and master this year.
After you complete the Week #2 exercise, make sure to document the skills you want to learn on your 9-Week Tracker as an easy way to visualize your mid-year planning list. We’ll go back to this tracker each week to document our intentions + plans.
For extra support and guidance {starting this week} I’m calling in the experts to help you stay on track in each of the areas we will be covering Weeks 2 -8! This week you’ll be hearing from Jaudia Quinn, a habit coach from Joy & Full . Jaudia knows that the backbone to sticking with ANYTHING, including learning na new skill centers around creating powerful habits.
Meet Jaudia
A Habit Coach extraordinaire from Joy & Full and one of the most kind, inspiring and encouraging humans I’ve ever met!
Let’s make the most of this second week TOGETHER! I know that we’re all BUSY and have a million things on our plates but making intentional time for YOU is time well-spent.